
Title Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics 2022 Conference
Date 2022年12月8-10日(土)December 8-10, 2022
Venue 伊藤国際学術研究センター、福武ホール、社会科学研究所、公共政策大学演習室・会議室、経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール)、
Ito International Research Center, Fukutake Hall, Institute of Social Science, Seminar/Meeting Rooms of Graduate School of Public Policy, and Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall)
Organizers Jungmin Lee (Seoul National University), Maria Lambrianidou (Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics), Stacey Chen (The University of Tokyo), Drew Griffen (The University of Tokyo), Daiji Kawaguchi (The University of Tokyo), Keisuke Kawata (The University of Tokyo), Ayako Kondo (The University of Tokyo), Suk Joon Son (The University of Tokyo), Ryuichi Tanaka (The University of Tokyo), Shintaro Yamaguchi (The University of Tokyo)
Abstract Asian and Australasian Society of Labor Economics (AASLE)の年次大会が2022年12月8日から10日にかけて開催された。開催形式はハイブリッド形式で、東京大学本郷キャンパス伊藤国際ホールを中心として経済学研究科、公共政策大学院、福武ホール、社会科学研究所の建物を用いることで、最大で13の並行セッションが行われ、合計のセッション数は75であった。参加者は全体で300名、対面参加者が217名、オンライン参加者が83名であった。 基調講演ならびに招待講演のリストは以下のとおりである。
The annual conference of the Asian and Australasian Society of Labor Economics (AASLE) was held at the University of Tokyo, Hongo campus from December 8 to December 10, 2022. The conference was held in a hybrid manner, with 75 sessions held concurrently at 13 different locations. Most of the sessions were held at the Ito International Research Center, while some were also organized at Kojima Hall, Fukutake Hall, and the buildings of the Graduate School of Public Policy and the Institute of Social Science. There was a total of 300 participants, with 217 in-person attendees and 83 online participants. The following is the list of keynote speakers and invited lecturers:

基調講演 (Keynote Speakers):
Josef Zweimüller: "Family Policies and Gender Inequalities in the Labor Market: A Tale of Two Countries”
Barbara Petrongolo: "Job attributes and flexibility along the motherhood penalty: Evidence from job adverts"

招待講演 (Invited Speakers):
Albert Park: "How Institutions and Deprivations Shape Gender Gaps in Human Capital with Evidence from China " Attila Lindner: "Firm-level Technological Change and Skill Demand" Katrine Vellesen Løken: "The Effect of Labor Market Competition on Firms, Workers, and Communities"

また、最終日には"Gender differences in the labor market"というタイトルでパネルディスカッションが開催された。同セッションでは、Christian Dustmann氏(ユニバーシティカレッジロンドン教授)が座長を務め、Joseph E. Zveglich, Jr.氏(アジア開発銀行)、Barbara Petrongelo氏(オックスフォード大学教授)、Hiroko Okudaira氏(同志社大学准教授)、Jessica Pan氏(シンガポール国立大学准教授)がパネリストとして参加した。最初にZveglich氏からアジア地域におけるジェンダー問題の概論が示され、その問題提起を踏まえ、各パネリストが議論を行った。 
Moreover, a panel discussion, entitled "Gender differences in the labor market," was held on the final day. This session was chaired by Christian Dustmann (Professor at University College London), with Joseph E. Zveglich (Asian Development Bank), Barbara Petrongelo (Oxford University), Hiroko Okudaira (Professor at Doshisha University), and Jessica Pan (Singapore International University) participating as panelists. Based on an initial overview of the gender problem in the Asia region, presented by Mr. Zveglich, the panelists engaged in a debate on the issue in question.
Information AASLE 2022 Conference Homepage