
Title 丸山士行先生連続講義 CREPE Lecture Series by Prof. Shiko Maruyama
"Socio-economic Disparities in Health"
Date 2020年1月8日(水)、15日(水) January 8 and 15, 10:25-12:10, 13:00-14:45
Venue 東京大学経済学研究科棟3階・第3教室にて開催 [地図]
Lecture Room No. 3, Economics Research Building, University of Tokyo [MAP]
Lecturer 丸山士行(Shiko Maruyama, University of Technology Sydney)
Abstract Association between health and socio-economic status has been widely reported, but why is there such a persistent association? Its underlying mechanism remains under debate, and a better understanding of socio-economic disparities in health is important in designing effective policies to achieve equality of opportunities.
In this course, we will review and discuss important hypotheses, including the classical health capital model (Grossman, 1972). Many empirical evidences for various hypotheses will be reviewed. The lecture also emphasizes widely-used econometric techniques and behavioural economics.

1. Socioeconomic Disparities in Health
2. Demand for Health Care
3. Demand for Health
4. Health Behaviour
5. Determinants of Health.

4 graduate students give their presentation in each lecture.
Information 講義は英語で行われます(Lecture in English)