
Title Older Workers Need Not Apply? Ageist Language in Job Ads and Age Discrimination in Hiring
Date 2019年11月11日(月) November 11, 10:30-12:00
Venue 東京大学学術交流棟(小島ホール)1階・第1セミナー室 [地図]
Seminar Room No. 1, Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall), University of Tokyo [MAP]
Speaker David Neumark (University of California, Irvine)
Abstract Age discrimination in hiring can pose a significant barrier to extending the work lives of older individuals, many of whom take “bridge” jobs before complete retirement. We study the relationships between ageist stereotypes ? as reflected in the language used in job ads ? and age discrimination in hiring, exploiting the text of 11,420 job ads and differences in callbacks to older and younger job applicants from a previous resume (correspondence study) field experiment (Neumark, Burn, and Button, 2019). We use language processing software to scrape the text of these ads and identify language that conveys or relates to age stereotypes. We test whether employers who used ageist language in their ads or have job requirements that relate to age stereotypes are less likely to call back older job applicants. This evidence allows us to directly identify, in a field setting, ageist stereotypes that underlie age discrimination in hiring.**We find evidence that language related to stereotypes of older workers sometimes predicts discrimination against older workers. For men, there is a wide range of stereotypes that predict discrimination. Among women, we primarily find evidence that phrases related to communication skills and technology predict discrimination.
Information 英語での発表となります(Presentation in English)
主催:Empirical Micro Research Seminar