
論文 2019年(papers publised in 2019)

Yuji Genda, "Employees who do not know their labour contract term and the implications for working conditions: Evidence from Japanese and Spanish microdata," (coauthored with Markus Heckel and Ryo Kambayashi) Japan and The World Economy, March 2019, Vol.49, pp.95-104, refereed.

Yuji Genda, "New structural problems of labor markets in Japan: Editor’s introduction," (coauthored with Shin-ichi Fukuda and Souichi Ohta) Japan and The World Economy, March 2019, Vol.49, pp.204-205, non-refereed.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Household dietary salt consumption and mortality from cardiovascular diseases: an ecological panel analysis in Japan" (coauthored with Tianyu Li), European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue 5, October 2019, Pages 826–832.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Association Between Deviation of Fairness Perceptions from Group Average and Serious Psychological Distress in Japanese Worksites: a Cross-Sectional Study" (coauthored with Nobutada Yokouchi), International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, March 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Post-interventional adverse event risk by vascular access site among patients with acute coronary syndrome in Japan: observational analysis with a national registry J-PCI database" (coauthored with Toshiharu Fujii, Yuji Ikari, Kazushige Kadota, Tetsuya Amano, Shiro Uemura, Hiroaki Takashima, Masato Nakamura, and for the J-PCI Investigators), Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics, volume 34, pages 297–304, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Associations of education and income with heavy drinking and problem drinking among men: evidence from a population-based study in Japan" (coauthored with Keiko Murakami), BMC public health, 19, Article number: 420, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Adiponectin levels among individuals with varied employment status in Japan: a cross-sectional analysis of the J-SHINE study" (coauthored with Hoichi Amano and Yoshimi Shirakawa), Scientific Reports 9, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Associations of social relationships with curative and preventive dental care use among young and middle-aged adults: Evidence from a population-based study in Japan" (coauthored with Keiko Murakami and Jun Aida), Community Dentistry and oral epidemiology, Volume 47, Issue 5, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, "Social influence of e-cigarette smoking prevalence on smoking behaviours among high-school teenagers: Microsimulation experiments " (coauthored with Dingding Chao, Naoki Kondo), Plos One, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, Relationship between maternal communicative/criticalhealth literacy and child’s asthma symptoms: Results from a population-basedsurvey in metropolitan Japan" (coauthored with Hisako Ogasawara), Patient Education and Counseling, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, Altered expression of microRNA-223 in the plasma of patients with first-episode schizophrenia and its possible relation to neuronal migration-related genes" (coauthored with Zhilei Zhao, Seiichiro Jinde, Shinsuke Koike, Mariko Tada, Yoshihiro Satomura, Akane Yoshikawa, Yukika Nishimura, Ryu Takizawa, Akihide Kinoshita, Eisuke Sakakibara, Hanako Sakurada, Mika Yamagishi, Fumichika Nishimura, Aya Inai, Masaki Nishioka, Yosuke Eriguchi, Tsuyoshi Araki, Atsuhiko Takaya, Chiemi Kan, Maki Umeda, Akihito Shimazu, Miki Bundo, Kazuya Iwamoto, Chihiro Kakiuchi, and Kiyoto Kasai), Translational Psychiatry 9, 2019.

Hideki Hashimoto, Evaluating the quality of data from the Japanese National Clinical Database 2011 via a comparison with regional government report data and medical charts" (coauthored with Ai Tomotaki, Hiraku Kumamaru, Arata Takahashi, Minoru Ono, Tadashi Iwanaka, and Hiroaki Miyata), Surgery Today 49, pages 65–71, 2019.

Michihiro Kandori, "Corrigendum to Crawford and Sobel (1982) "Strategic Information Transmission"" (coauthored with Haruki Kono), Econometrica, online corrigendum, 2019.

Ayako Kondo, "Peer Effects in Employment Status: Evidence from Housing Lotteries" (coauthored with Masahiro Shoji). Journal of Urban Economics, vol 113, 2019.

Ayako Kondo, "Impact of increased Long-term Care Insurance payments on employment and wages in formal long-term care", Journal of the Japanese and International Economy, vol.53, 101034. September 2019.

Hitoshi Matsushima, "Implementation without expected utility: ex-post verfiability", Social Choice and Welfare , 53(4) 575-585 October, 2019, refereed.

Hitoshi Matsushima, "Behavioral Theory of Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma: Generous Tit-For-Tat Strategy", forthcoming in B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Discussion Paper CARF-F-452, University of Tokyo, 2019, refereed.

Hitoshi Matsushima, "Timing Games with Irrational Types: Leverage-Driven Bubbles and Crash-Contingent Claims", B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, January 2019, refereed.

Hitoshi Matsushima, "Efficient Combinatorial Allocations: Individual Rationality versus Stability", B E JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS 19(1), January 2019, refereed.

Hiroshi Ohashi, "Electric Vehicle Charging Management Using Auction Mechanism for Reducing PV Curtailment in Distribution Systems" (coauthored with H. Kikusato, Y. Fujimoto, S. Hanada, D. Isogawa, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.

Hiroshi Ohashi, "Price Effects of Target Ratcheting: A Progress Report on Medical Devices" (coauthored with D. Isogawa), Japanese Economic Review, 70(3):331-340, 2019.

Hiroshi Ohashi, "Market Structure and Product Quality: A Case Study of the 2002 Japanese Airlines Merger" (coauthored with Naoshi Doi) International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62:158-193, 2019.

Yasuhiro Sato, "Demographics and competition for capital in political economy" (coauthored with T. Morita and K. Yamamoto), forthcoming in International Tax and Public Finance, 2019, refereed.

Yasuhiro Sato, "Demographics, immigration, and market size" (coauthored with K. Fukumura, K. Nagamachi, and K. Yamamoto), forthcoming in Japanese Economic Review, 2019, refereed.

Takatoshi Tabuchi, "Pollution and city size: can cities be too small?," (coauthored with R. Borck), Journal of Economic Geography, Volume 19, Issue 5, September 2019, Pages 995–1020.

Yoshito Takasaki, "Peer effects on vaccination behavior: Experimental evidence from rural Nigeria," (coauthored with Ryoko Sato) forthcoming in Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Yoshito Takasaki, "Psychic vs. economic barriers to vaccine take-up: Evidence from a field experiment in Nigeria," (coauthored with Ryoko Sato) forthcoming in World Bank Economic Review.

Yoshito Takasaki, 2019. "GIS for empirical research design: An illustration with georeferenced point data," (coauthored with Katsuo Kogure) PLoS ONE 14(3): e02112316, March 2019.

Ryuichi Tanaka, "The Effect of School Operational Assistance Program on Investment in Education by Household: Evidence from Indonesia" (coauthored with Nia Pramita Sari), Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 65, 2, 149-168, 2019, refereed.

Ryuichi Tanaka, "Evaluating Remedial Education in Elementary Schools: Administrative Data from a Municipality in Japan" (coauthored with Shun-ichiro Bessho, Akira Kawamura, Haruko Noguchi, and Koichi Ushijima), Japan and the World Economy, 50, 36-46, 2019, refereed.

Kenichi Ueda, "Listing and Financial Constraints" (coauthored with Akira Ishide and Yasuo Goto), Japan and the World Economy,Vol. 49, pp.1-16, 2019.

Tsutomu Watanabe, "The Formation of Consumer Inflation Expectations: New Evidence from Japan's Deflation Experience," (coauthored with J. Diamond, K. Watanabe) International Economic Review, forthcoming.

Tsutomu Watanabe, "Product Turnover and the Cost of Living Index: Quality vs. Fashion Effects," (coauthored with Kozo Ueda and Kota Watanabe) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11(2), 310-347, April 2019.

Yasutora Watanabe, "Voter Turnout and Preference Aggregation" (coauthored with Kei Kawai and Yuta Toyama), forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

Yasutora Watanabe, "Effectiveness of Product Recommendation under Time and Crowd Pressures" (coauthored with Kohei Kawaguchi and Kosuke Uetake), Marketing Science, 38(2), 2019, pp.253-273.

Eric Weese, "Insurgency and Small Wars: Estimation of Unobserved Coalition Structures," (coauthored with Francesco Trebbi) Econometrica 87: 463-496, March 2019.

Shintaro Yamaguchi, "Effects of Parental Leave Policies on Female Career and Fertility Choices," Quantitative Economics, Volume 10, Issue 3, July 2019.


大橋弘「ジェネリック医薬品の普及とインセンティブ政策:2012年度診療報酬改定が薬剤費抑制に及ぼした影響」(西川浩平と共著) 『医療経済研究』 31(2):77-101 2019年.


大橋弘「エネルギー需要とは何か:経済学の視点から」、『電気学会全国大会論文集』、 2019年3月.