Data Set
This repository contains the CZ delineation, source codes and raw data based on Adachi, Fukai, Kawaguchi, and Saito (2020).
This data set contains the number, capacity, and enrollment of nursery schools in Japan between 1960 and 1993 (except for 1964). The data source is the Survey of Social Welfare Institutions. *instructions in Japanese*
This data set contains the enrollment of nursery schools (total and by age) in Japan between 1961 and 1997 (except for 1973 and 1988). The data source is the Report on Social Welfare Administration and Services. *instructions in Japanese*
This repository contains the data of public procurement organized by the regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. It also shows the code that has been used to collect and organize the data. *instructions in Japanese*
This data set contains department-level information on the accredited
admission capacity of national, municipal, and private universities in
Japan from 1951 to 2017. The data source is "Zenkoku Daigaku Ichiran". We
also constructed a variable that indicates fields of study within each
department. *instructions in Japanese
Windows desktop application that automatically makes do-file(s) to import fixed-length data from MHLW and MIC (and possibly other ministries and government offices). *instructions in Japanese*
We have made the geographic templates of Japan available in maptile, a map creation program for stata.
Report of the Interantional Policy Seminar "Current Topics in Employment and Earnings: Labor Market and Evidence-Based Policymaking (EBPM)", co-organized with the National Diet Library (PDF: 9,207KB) .